Geo Augmented Visualisation for improving safe operations of Natural Gas Pipeline Network

A pipeline network is the most efficient and economical means of transporting hydrocarbons. Pipeline Operator’s objective is to operate and maintain pipeline network in such a way that it would continuously provide uninterrupted services to customers. Locating underground pipes and other infrastructure prior to excavation or repair has long been a problem. While tremendous development has taken place in the field of locating technologies over the past decades, no one method has emerged as being complete. Errors in locating excavations for new installation or for repair of existing utilities can result in significant costs, loss of life and damage to property. There is thus a clear need for new solutions to accurately located pipeline infrastructure and improve excavation safety. This paper describes combination of Geospatial database of pipeline along with augmented reality to design a new visual system.
3D models of pipelines and other underground utilities are created from available geospatial data and then superimposed over normal real world view using geo-referenced Augmented Reality (AR) to provide the operator with the visual information on the location and type of utilities that exist underground. This system uses smart phone for android platform. Based on the location of the operator, all the pipeline and related information will be visualize on the mobile screen. System will provide pipeline information like pipe dimension, pipe type, joint number etc., other utilities like foreign pipelines, OFC cable etc. with the detailed information, this will help operator to know and understand the exact underground information of particular location. The system ensures efficiency of management through a centralized structure and enables immediate visualization of AR data and minimizes the error range by using geographical information data that will lead to enable the strategic support for immediate response to irregular accidents.