Zero Harm As An Achievable Target - How To Build A Journey Towards Zero For People, Significant Impacts On The Environment And The Community

NTS is committed to ensuring everyone return home safely at the end of each day, and that our assets are operated in a safe manner. This commitment to safety is based on caring for employees, our contractors, the communities in which we operate and the environment.
We are certain that Zero Harm is an achievable target and for this we focus on three areas of action: Improve our facilities and equipment through technology and innovation; Implement an Integrated Management System to improve our practices and procedures; and Develop our people and transform NTS’s Safety Culture.
This paper gives an overview NTS’s Zero Harm strategy and its areas of expertise, presenting some of the projects with focus on risk reduction, the standard of the integrated management system that brings the implementation of processes and practices and the development of safety cultur e organization.