RESEARCH / DEVELOPMENT / TECHNOLOGY PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 17 Introducing connected piping/utilities for project specific configurations further added to the presented optimization as discussed in Section 6.2.3. It is therefore also concluded that coupled modelling of pipelines and connected piping/ utilities enables the design to accurately capture the forces and displacements from all system components. This optimization of the interaction loads between under- ground pipelines and the connected above-ground facilities realizes significant technical and economic benefits. 8. RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE WORK Authors Adham Ghali INTECSEA UK Ltd. Senior Pipeline Engineer Based on the results presented in this study, it is recom- mended that detailed investigation of engineered alter- natives to concrete anchor blocks is adopted as common practice within the pipe size envelope of 6in to 18in, with diameters ranging 10 to 25 times the thickness. Elie Dib INTECSEA UK Ltd. Chief Pipeline Engineer Additionally, a risk assessment of the assumptions is also recommended to complement this work with quantifiable probabilities and scenarios of failure to drive further re- duction in required sizes and, where feasible, eliminate the need for pipeline anchor blocks. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS References The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Mikey Scott, INTECSEA UK Ltd., for his invaluable insight and expertise. The authors would also like to thank Thibaut Rawlings, Genesis Oil and Gas Consultants Ltd., and Juri Kaljusto, INTECSEA UK Ltd., for their valuable contribution to this study. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ASME, 2016. B31.8 - Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, s.l.: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Bahadori, A., 2017. Chapter 1 - Transportation Pipelines. In: Oil and Gas Pipelines and Piping Systems Design, Construction, Management, and Inspection. s.l.:Gulf Professional Publishing, pp. 1-27. Belani, A. & Orr, S., 2008. A Systematic Approach to Hostile Environments. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 60(07). Das, B. M., 2014. Principles of Foundation Engineering, 8th Edition. s.l.:Cengage Learning. DeBruijn, G. et al., 2008. High-Pressure, High Temperature Technologies. Oilfield Review, pp. 46-60. Douglas G. Honegger, D. J. N., 2004. PR-268-9823 - Guidelines for the Seismic Design and Assessment of Natural Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbon Pipelines, s.l.: Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI). Ghdaib, A. K. A. et al., 2011. Field Monitoring of an In-Service Thrust Anchor Block and Pipeline. SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY. Halsey, T. C., 2016. Computational sciences in the upstream oil and gas industry. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2078). Hopkins, P., 2007. PIPELINES: Past, Present, and Future. Sydney, Australia, s.n. Mahmoud, M. A., 2017. Pressure and Thermal Regimes and Systems in the Sedimentary Se- quence of Central and Eastern Saudi Arabia. In: Lithosphere Dynamics and Sedimentary Basins of the Arabian Plate and Surrounding Areas. s.l.:Springer, Cham, pp. 33 - 50. SA_Water, 2007. Guidelines for the design of Anchors and Thrust Blocks on Buried Pipelines with Unrestrained Flexible Joints and for the Anchorage of Pipes on Steep Grades, s.l.: South Australian Water Corporation. Satter, A. & Iqbal, G. M., 2016. Reservoir fluid properties. In: Reservoir Engineering - The Fundamentals, Simulation, and Management of Conventional and Unconventional Recoveries. s.l.:Elsevier, pp. 81-105. Saudi Aramco, 2005. SAES-L-440 - Anchors for Buried Pipelines, s.l.: Saudi Aramco - Onshore Structures Standards Committee. Thorley, A. R. D. & Atkinson, J. H., 1994. Guide to the Design of Thrust Blocks for buried Pressure Pipelines, London: Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA). 15th Pipeline Technology Conference Europe‘s leading pipeline conference and exhibition Pipeline T Conference 2010 SAVE THE DATE 30 March - 2 April 2020 Berlin, Germany