APA Receives A$ 300,000 Funding For Piloting Hydrogen Transmission Using Gas Pipeline

Leading Australian energy company, APA Group, is on the verge of testing a 43km long gas pipeline for transport up to 100% hydrogen gas after receiving AUD 300,000 (USD 222,000 or EUR 187,000) funding from the Western Australian government.
This is the second round of the government’s Renewable Hydrogen Funding the company has received towards its hydrogen research after the first phase of research gave promising results, proving the technical viability in transporting hydrogen gas through the Parmelia gas pipeline, the company said on September 8, 2021.
The WA energy infrastructure company’s Chief Executive, Rob Wheals, expressed his joy for the second round of government funding to further their hydrogen gas transportation research, citing its significance in “supporting Australia’s low-carbon future.”
While phase I of the research proved the technical viability of the pipeline system to transport up to 100% hydrogen gas, the second phase will test the operational viability of the Parmelia Gas Pipeline to transport pure or blended hydrogen gas through a 43-Km long pipeline.
“If successful, this would not only be a national first, but it will be one of only a few transmission pipelines in the world proven to be capable of being converted to carry up to 100 per cent hydrogen,” added Mr Wheals.
The transmission of hydrogen gas using the existing multi-billion gas pipeline infrastructure is a perfect example of opportunities where the existing pipeline structures can be used to deliver hydrogen from production to usage sites. However, the project is executed in phases to ensure excellent engineering and safety standards needed for the new system, said Wheals.
The ground-breaking APA new research into hydrogen transmission using the existing gas infrastructure is part of the company’s efforts towards achieving its ambition of net-zero operations emissions by 2050.
APA’s second phase of testing will use pressurized hydrogen at the University of Wollongong, in partnership with Future Fuels CRC.
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Great H2 pipelines transport development.