Daniel Onyango


Daniel is a versatile online journalist with a knack for writing news reports covering a wide range of subjects across industries, including disruptive technology, energy, renewables, sustainability, politics, business, innovations, health, aviation, and IoT. He worked with Empire Media Group Inc., Magnetic Media, and Which-50 Media before joining the ptj Editorial Team.

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Fluxy logo on a smartphone screen infront of the website (© Shutterstock/T. Schneider)
Fluxy logo on a smartphone screen infront of the website (© Shutterstock/T. Schneider)

Fluxys to Triple Hydrogen Pipeline Spending to $2.19 Billion in the New Investment Plan

Belgian gas transmission system operator Fluxys plans to invest €2 billion ($2.19 billion) in hydrogen pipelines by 2033, nearly tripling its initial budget of €700 million ($764m) for the previous 9-year investment plan.

Flag of the People's Republic of China (© Shutterstock/Tatoh)
Flag of the People's Republic of China (© Shutterstock/Tatoh)

Chinese Authorities Admit Hong Kong-flagged Ship Damaged Baltic Pipeline, Blames Storm

Chinese authorities have acknowledged that a Chinese-owned ship damaged a critical Baltic Sea gas pipeline last October after months of investigations and speculations. 

However, the authorities blamed a storm for the costly incident, according to multiple sources.

A pile of 100 US Dollar bills (© Shutterstock/RomanR)
A pile of 100 US Dollar bills (© Shutterstock/RomanR)

Canada’s TC Energy to Sell Pipeline Stake to Indigenous Groups for $722 Million

Pipeline operator TC Energy Corp. said Tuesday, July 30, it will sell a 5.34% stake in its Canadian natural gas pipeline system to Indigenous communities for C$1 billion ($722.1 million) as part of its plan to reduce the debt burden and fund investments. 

The flag of India on the map (© Shutterstock/hyotographics)
The flag of India on the map (© Shutterstock/hyotographics)

India’s New Pipeline Tariffs Take Effect, Implementing New Tariff Hikes

India’s Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board’s new tariffs for transporting petroleum products through older pipelines have taken effect today (August 1, 2024), replacing a system in place since December 2010.