An Carbon Capture Pipeline Project Inches Closer to the Consenting Stage

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An Carbon Capture Pipeline Project Inches Closer to the Consenting Stage

Logo of Habour Energy infront of the website (© Shutterstock/T. Schneider)
Logo of Habour Energy infront of the website (© Shutterstock/T. Schneider)

Harbour Energy's Viking CCS plan reaches the statutory consultation stage.

If all goes to plan, the enormous carbon capture pipeline project designed to Decarbonise the South Humber Bank industry could be tabled before the planning inspectorate by 2023.

The Viking CCS will connect the refining and power cluster at Immingham to the former Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal located at Lincolnshire coast, where the CO2 will be pumped through a 140-Km pipeline to the sequestration fields located 9000 feet below the North Sea bed.

However, the focus is currently on the 55 km pipeline linking the two land-based facilities sites requiring a development order from the government due to the national significance of the project as it is expected to make a notable contribution to the UK's efforts towards meeting the Net-Zero emission target.

“As the UK delivers on the net zero targets, we must do so in a way that retains and promotes jobs and prosperity. The Viking CCS onshore pipeline, which is part of the wider Viking CCS project, will enable significant decarbonisation of the UK's energy-intensive industries and, at the same time, provide the opportunity for considerable future inward investment in the Humber region,” said Graeme Davies, project director.

Davies also thanked the local community members who engaged with them in their first two consultation phases and looked forward to hearing further feedback during the statutory consultation phase.

Harbour targets submission of its planning application for the onshore CCS pipeline in the first half of next year (2023). If successful, starting the construction in 2025 would be the next major milestone. This would support the completion and operations startup as early as 2027.

The company and the ABP revealed plans for port reception facilities for CO2 shipment for storage in the cluster.

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