Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Authorities Continue to Investigate Nord Stream Explosions

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Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Authorities Continue to Investigate Nord Stream Explosions

Route of Nord Stream 2 (© Shutterstock/MurzilA)
Route of Nord Stream 2 (© Shutterstock/MurzilA)

Nord Stream AG, the Switzerland-based operator of the severely - damaged Nord Stream 1 & 2 gas pipelines, has been informed by Danish, Swedish and Norwegian authorities that it cannot conduct its own investigation until the official one concludes.

“As of today, Nord Stream AG is unable to inspect the damaged sections of the gas pipeline due to the lack of earlier requested necessary permits,” the company, which is 51 percent owned by the Russian gas giant Gazprom, wrote.

“In particular,” it added, “according to the Swedish authorities, a ban on shipping, anchoring, diving, using of underwater vehicles, geophysical mapping, etc. has been introduced to conduct a state investigation around the damage sites in the Baltic Sea.”

“According to information received from the Danish authorities, the processing time of the Nord Stream AG request for the survey may take more than 20 working days.”

The company said it was also being blocked by Norwegian authorities.

Pressure in the pipeline had stabilized as of Monday, Nord Stream added.

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