Druzhba Oil Operations Resume in the Ukraine / Eastern Europe

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Druzhba Oil Operations Resume in the Ukraine / Eastern Europe

Pipeline valve being opened (© Shutterstock/Oil and Gas Photographer)
Pipeline valve being opened (© Shutterstock/Oil and Gas Photographer)

Druzhba oil pipeline operations in Ukraine, partially suspended last week without explanation, have resumed at the scheduled volume, Russia's state-owned oil pipeline operator Transneft reported today.

As noted previously in the Pipeline Journal, It was not immediately clear what caused the partial suspension. It came as Russia rained down missiles across Ukraine, forcing shutdowns of nuclear power plants and triggering electricity cut offs even across the border in Moldova.

Last week Transneft spokesman Igor Dyomin said the following:  "The oil pipeline in Ukraine has been partially stopped, according to our partners.  The oil flow to Hungary, which had been suspended for three days, was projected to remain so for a week," he added.

Ukraine state oil pipeline company UkrTransNafta and the Ukrainian Energy Ministry were not immediately available for comment. The ministry said earlier on its Facebook page that the missile strikes had cut off power for "the vast majority of electricity consumers across the country".

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