Interview: Close Cooperation Between ptc and Construction Companies

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Interview: Close Cooperation Between ptc and Construction Companies

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The 12th Pipeline Technology Conference (taking place 2-4 May 2017 in Berlin, Germany) will attach great importance to pipeline construction topics and companies. For this reason, the International Pipe Line & Offshore Contractors Association, IPLOCA, will hold its regional meeting for central Europa in conjunction with the ptc. We have asked Paul Waanders, international sales manager Maats Pipeline Equipment about the motivation of being part of this year’s ptc and what pipeline construction companies expect.

What was your reason to exhibit at the ptc 2017?

MAATS has been looking for a few years for a possibility to showcase its capabilities to its customers in Europe. As we are mostly into pipeline construction and this is a niche market, we found there was not a lot to choose from.

Is there no event in Europe for your business?

Not really, we participated in the BAUMA exhibition in Munich and visited the Intermat in Paris, but these are general construction equipment exhibitions where we felt kind of “lost”. Then there are some events that focus on all aspects of pipeline operation, like corrosion- and integrity management, leak detection and inline inspection. Basically events like the ptc. These are however all technologies used after commissioning of a pipeline. But that is not where our business is, we are on the construction side, the part before commissioning of a pipeline!

But still you are at the ptc?

Some time ago we were asked by the ptc to join the event but then shared our concerns that the topics are not really in line with our business. We started a discussion and after some meetings we found the ptc willing to extend their focus, or in fact add a focus: “pipeline construction”. With attracting some exhibitors from this field, this might be the start of the European event for pipeline construction. That is also why we hope that many companies from our field of work will join us!

What do you expect?

MAATS’ philosophy is that, if you want to change things, you have to show initiative and sometimes stick your neck out. Surely the “pipeline construction”-side of the ptc will have to evolve over time but the event is in its 12th year and with about 600 attendees and some 65 exhibitors from the industry last year, the ptc could give “our” track a jump start. Moreover we were lucky to find Mannesmann Engineering & Construction GmbH willing to organize a regional meeting for the International Pipe Line and Offshore Contractors Association (IPLOCA) at the same time, at the same venue. Bringing these two events together contributes to the goal of brining the industry together.

All good then?

As a manufacturer, seller and renter of pipeline construction equipment, you like to show your capabilities. In our case that is our bending machines, welding tractors and pipe layers. Although the current venue at the Estrel Hotel in Berlin is really excellent, with hotel, exhibition and meeting rooms all under one roof, it is not possible to bring one of our machines, they are simply too heavy. On the other hand: not bringing any heavy machinery is a big save on the exhibition budget!

Where will we find you?

We will be at stand no. 70 from the 2nd thru the 4th of May

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