New Research into Aerial Vehicle Technologies to Enhance Pipeline Monitoring

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New Research into Aerial Vehicle Technologies to Enhance Pipeline Monitoring


The pipeline infrastructure in Canada and the United States is showing growing signs of wear and tear. In the past few months a series of leaks and explosions from Mississippi to Calgary have led to a number of deaths, damaged property and polluted the local environment. Against this background Enbridge Pipelines, TransCanada Corporation and Kinder Morgan Canada have signed a Joint Industry Partnership agreement to conduct research into aerial-based leak detection technologies with the aim of enhancing pipeline safety throughout North America.

The partnership suggests an interest in cutting-edge aerial vehicle technology to bolster pipeline safety and reliability. It is also an attempt to answer a chorus of public demands for responsible pipeline development and maintenance.

"We are committed to identify, develop and test new technologies to further progress key areas of pipeline safety, such as leak detection. Through collaboration with committed industry partners, we continue to make important advancements with leak detection technology," says Kirk Byrtus, Enbridge's Vice President of Pipeline Control. "This extension to the Joint Industry Partnership is another great example of the pipeline industry connecting to make important advancements with leak detection technology, and we look forward to closely working with our partners, TransCanada and Kinder Morgan."

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