ROSEN Opens a Window to the Future of the Pipeline Industry at the 11th Pipeline Technology Conference

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ROSEN Opens a Window to the Future of the Pipeline Industry at the 11th Pipeline Technology Conference

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During the concluding session of the 11th Pipeline Technology Conference entitled "What’s next? Current Challenges and Future Fields for the Global Pipeline Industry" held in Berlin from 23-25 May, the ROSEN Group presented the results of the its 3rd ROSEN Energy & Innovation Forum (REIF).

ROSEN'S Forum, which took place a few weeks earlier from 10-12 May, brought around 150 pipeline operators, regulators and technology and service providers together from some 20 countries around the globe to address the future of pipeline integrity.

Founder and President Hermann Rosen opened the forum by saying “we cannot predict the future – but we can prepare ourselves for the future. That’s why we are here together.” He continued with the vision of the forum and said “It is my firm belief that all of us can only meet the future requirements placed on our industry, with all the increasing complexity involved, by cooperating and understanding each other better.”

The forum focused on the topic of “Pipeline Integrity 2030”. Wednesday May 11th, was filled with plenary sessions and workshops revolving around the future of diagnostics and integrity. Each being introduced with a series of 3 trigger presentations and an interactive workshop to follow. Particular focus was put on: the future of Non Destructive Testing, material properties, future challenges around corrosion, assessment complexity, big data analytics, and missing procedures in the pipeline industry.

The forum closed with an early feedback of the workshops on 12 May by industry experts Heinz Watzka and Phil Hopkins. Participants left mulling the future of the pipeline industry.

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