Trans Adriatic Pipeline Project to get 78,000 Metric Tons Steel Product Supply by JFE

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Trans Adriatic Pipeline Project to get 78,000 Metric Tons Steel Product Supply by JFE


JFE Steel Corporation made an announcement on July 08 that it will supply major steel materials for the completion of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project. The unincorporated consortium of Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. (MISI) and Corinth Pipeworks Pipe Industry S.A. (CPW) won the contract for this project. JFE Steel will act a major sub-contractor of the project and it will supply UOE pipes, plates and hot coils amounting to 78,000 metric tons to the consortium of CPW and MISI for the completion of the project.

In Japan, JFE Steel has its facilities located in Keihin District and Fukuyama District where the required steel will be manufactured. By 2016-end, JFE Steel is expected to ship the hot coils and plates via MISI to CPW. After that, the pipe processing will begin.

The actual requirement of steel for the TAP project is 526,000 tons for the completion of the 878 km pipeline. The purpose of the pipeline is to transport Caspian natural gas via the Adriatic Sea, Albania and Greece.

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG, which is headquartered in Switzerland, is implementing the project.


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