Digital Integrated Pipeline Integrity Assurance System (i-PIMS)

In PETRONAS, there are on-going initiatives at petrochemical plants, gas processing plants, Upstream’s well engineering and retail business in pursuing the digitilisation in line with the Industrial Revolution (IR) 4. The aim of the initiatives is basically to improve the efficiency of critica l processes thus at the end will reduce overall cost and improve production margin and revenue /profitability.
This paper will present the initiative of PETRONAS’ Pipeline fraternity consisting of pipeline experts, managers and engineers in the development of intelligent and integrated pipeline integrity management system. The system is designed to have minimal people intervention as data will be automatically uploaded by Inspection & Maintenance (I & M) vendors and field technicians through interface software and utilising artificial intelligence/ machine learning for descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. It is envisaged that by having the system, critical decision-making pertaining to integrity, safety and reliability of pipeline system could be done in ‘split seconds’ extending the asset’s life and eliminating unwanted incidents i.e. leak/rupture.
Furthermore, standardisation of pipeline risk and integrity software/tools among Operating PETRONAS Units (OPU)/regions will provide cost savings in the long term compared to current practice of having off-the-shelf software/tools. Integration of relevant corporate software/tools and the intended software/tools will further provide cost savings in terms of database management and enhanced efficiency.