Editorial ptj 4-2020

Dear colleagues,
You are holding in your hand the fourth and last issue of the Pipeline Technology Journal filled with papers of the 15th Pipeline Technology Conference. We were able to publish more than 40 papers of ptc 2020 in these special issues. EITEP as the publisher of ptj and organizer of ptc would like to take this opportunity to thank all the authors who took the time and effort to contribute their papers.
If you read the pipeline industry news these days, you will read a lot about decarbonization but also about the topic of hydrogen which is picking up speed again after long time - also thanks to massive economic policy measures. New projects are started, inspections, repairs and life-cycle-extension are topics. Also, Nord Stream 2 remains exciting. All this sounds like a time of much activity in the industry. But travel restrci tions and home offices have become part of everyday life in many companies and that limits their actions.
To solve the current lack of face-to-face networking, our platform of Virtual Pipeline Summits serves as a solution. More than 100 participants from pipeline operators already registered for its second edition on 7 October 2020 which will be on the topic of “Leak Detection and Third-Party Impact Prevention”. Registration is still open and free of charge.
Many people are aware that these online-only events cannot be the permanent solution: The online presentation of companies and technologies is feasible on online platforms, but they lack intuitive networking.
That is why EITEP is launching the 16th Pipeline Technology Conference in Berlin from 15 – 18 March 2021 and invites you to this high-quality B2B event. ptc Berlin offers all the elements you are accustomed to from ptc: Conference, exhibition, networking, social program. To maintain the high level of internationality, we are offering all those who cannot attend the ptc Berlin in person the ptc Remote, a platform with which they can get involved in the live event.
I look forward to meeting you al again next year in Berlin at Europe’s leading pipeline conference and exhibition. And now I wish you a good time reading the current issue of the Pipeline Technology Journal. Stay healthy.
Sincerely yours
Marian Ritter, Director Exhibitions, EITEP Institute