Editorial: PTJ – Your Quality Pipeline Journal
Welcome to this latest edition of the Pipeline Technology Journal with a special focus on topics around decarbonization and hydrogen!
But before we dive into the interesting and important articles of this issue, let me spend a little time on the Journal itself.
It is a privilege and honour to have the opportunity to address you as the Chairman of the Editorial Board. Our team, made up of the members of the board, is excited to be involved with the Pipeline Technology Journal which is now in its 9th year of publication and reaching 20,000 readers around the globe.
The e-journal and the printed version are published quarterly, and each issue has a special focus regarding the topics and content of the articles included. Whilst our sister publication, the ptj-Newsletter covers news and up-to-date information, the Journal provides in-depth technical articles. On the one hand, the Journal makes use of the high-quality papers presented at the annual Pipeline Technology Conference, but on the other hand it is also open for contributions entered directly. To ensure the quality the publisher and the editorial board are aiming for, articles are reviewed.
Our vision and aim are to compile a pipeline technical journal for our readership which is of interest for you and adds value by enabling the dissemination of information. In order to achieve our goals, we would also like to reach out to you and ask for your feedback. Are we covering all the right topics around pipelines you are interested in? Is something missing? Please let us know! Your feedback and input is highly appreciated and will help us to continuously improve our effort. Thank You!
But now on to this issue. Climate Change is one of the major concerns of our time. In order to protect Earth, the planet we all live on, emissions must be reduced. Decarbonization and the use of future fuels is therefore of paramount importance. Unfortunately, recent events have also re-emphasized the importance of security of supply.
This issue of the Journal includes a number of highly interesting papers addressing a wide range of topics related to decarbonization and the transportation of future fuels.
The papers provide insight into a very broad scope of themes regarding the pressurized pipe itself and essential components such as valves.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Michael Beller, Chairman of the Editorial Board