Relaunch: The Pipeline Technology Journal as reference guide for high-end pipeline technologies

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Relaunch: The Pipeline Technology Journal as reference guide for high-end pipeline technologies

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Systematically collected state-of-the-art technologies at a glance

The Pipeline Technology Journal (ptj) is relaunching its services for the global pipeline community. In 2017 ptj will focus on current and upcoming high-end pipeline technologies and provide its readership with a condensed overview of innovative and practical products and services available to the market.

Therefore, in six issues with different emphases the Journal will report about new pipeline technologies regarding Planning / Construction / Rehabilitation, Operation, Maintenance, Offshore, and relevant comprehensive Topics. To stay up-to-date with the technological development, all topics are updated yearly with the latest developments, products and services. This will enable pipeline professionals from all over the world to stay informed about the current state of technology at a glance. In addition, the ptj newsletter will provide the global pipeline community with relevant news and announcements from the industry. It will be sent every two weeks.

The mission of ptj is twofold: It first intentions to archive and catalogue the existing knowledge whether textual, auditory, or visual. Secondly requests to create new content, and foster the growth and development of the already available knowledge classified in categories. For this purpose, a searchable web-database containing all published articles within the ptj will go online and will serve as a pool for relevant pipeline technologies. Thus, interested readers can make the most out of ptj extensive pipeline related content.

The ptj is the next hub for pipeline technologies from around the world, serving as reliable source of information for pipeline professionals.


Submitted by Neil Bowker (not verified) on Fri, 11/25/2016 - 22:34 Permalink

Our company manufactures polyurethane parts used in pipeline pigging operations. We wonder if one of your topic areas - perhaps maintenance - will be touching upon new developments in pigging. Our company's proprietary ReCast (TM) technology is the only offering of its kind worldwide to our knowledge. It allows us to remanufacture parts which will have the same general wear life expectation as a new part & be lower cost than a new part. But importantly, we can do the ReCast (TM) process several times to most worn parts, saving the environmental blight of throwing used parts into landfills. This can save hundreds of thousands of pounds, or millions of pounds over time, from sitting for decades or centuries in landfills. So its a triple win: wear life/performance, cost and environmental stewardship.

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