Mark Iden

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US-President Trump Mulls Invoking National Security Powers To Prop Up Moribund Coal Industry

The Trump administration, seeking to justify its fascination with coal, a product that is increasingly out of favor with most other industrialized countries worldwide, is arguing that gas pipelines are too vulnerable to hacking, threatening American energy security. Therefore, the United States, it is argued, need more coal in the energy mix.

30 km Friendship Pipeline a Bone of Contention in the High Stakes Dispute with North Korea

The Yalu River running through Manchuria has long served as the well-known border between China and North Korea. What is less known, but equally significant, is the short, aging 30 km Friendship Pipeline constructed in part under the Yalu.

Comment: Dakota Access - The Politics of Interstate Pipeline Construction

As a general proposition, the longer the pipeline the more difficult it is to build it. This is related not just to technical issues surrounding construction. More than ever the success of a particular pipeline project depends on how well the pipeline operator can navigate the political thicket of interest groups along the proposed pipeline route.