Daniel Onyango


Daniel is a versatile online journalist with a knack for writing news reports covering a wide range of subjects across industries, including disruptive technology, energy, renewables, sustainability, politics, business, innovations, health, aviation, and IoT. He worked with Empire Media Group Inc., Magnetic Media, and Which-50 Media before joining the ptj Editorial Team.

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Entrance to the ExxonMobil world headquarters located in Irving, Texas (© Shutterstock/Katherine Welles)
Entrance to the ExxonMobil world headquarters located in Irving, Texas (© Shutterstock/Katherine Welles)

Exxon Restores Full Oil Production at Guyana FPSOs After Pipeline Tie-In

Exxon Mobil Corp. and its partners have restored full crude oil production at two floating production facilities in Guyana after completing a natural gas pipeline connection, the company’s spokesperson said Monday.

Russia-China pipeline (© Adobe Stock/alexmlx)
Russia-China pipeline (© Adobe Stock/alexmlx)

Proposed Russian Pipeline to China Hits Roadblock as Mongolia Excludes it from National Plan

The proposed Russian gas pipeline to China faces new uncertainty after Mongolia excluded the proposed Power of Siberia-2 pipeline project from its national development plan through 2028.