

Editorial 1-2021
Editorial 1-2021
As we are observing the world rebound from a pandemic that has profoundly impacted almost every facet of life, it is quite obvious that what looks like a unique lifetime experience has left us knowing more about ourselves as individuals, members of communities, industry and the international community. I am saying this knowing that the economic…
Application of Pipeline QRA Methodologies to Hydrogen Pipelines in Support of the Transition to a Decarbonised Future
Application of Pipeline QRA Methodologies to Hydrogen Pipelines in Support of the Transition to a Decarbonised Future
Hydrogen is expected to play a key role in the decarbonised future of energy. For hydrogen distribution, pipelines are seen the main method for mass transport of hydrogen gas. To support the evaluation of risk related to hydrogen pipelines, a revised QRA methodology is presented based on currently available and industry accepted guidance related…
Ductile fracture propagation control in modern high strength steel pipeline for transportation of high pressure natural gas with H2 and CO2 contents: arrest requirements evaluation by numerical tool and full-scale testing verification
Ductile fracture propagation control in modern high strength steel pipeline for transportation of high pressure natural gas with H2 and CO2 contents: arrest requirements evaluation by numerical tool and full-scale testing verification
One of the most severe accidents which could occur in a gas transmission pipeline involves the linepipe wall failure and subsequent fracture initiation, which may evolve in a long running fracture propagation if the material toughness properties are not adequate. The most acknowledged approach for ductile fracture propagation assessment is the…
Opportunities to Access the Benefits of High-Frequency Welded (HFW) Pipes for a Wider Scope of Oil and Gas Industry Applications
Opportunities to Access the Benefits of High-Frequency Welded (HFW) Pipes for a Wider Scope of Oil and Gas Industry Applications
In recent years, many papers have been published describing the advantages and disadvantages of the high-frequency welded (HFW) and seamless (SMLS) carbon and low-alloy steel (LAS) pipe manufacturing processes for the oil and gas industry. However, there are few published papers that compare these different manufacturing processes in a way that…
Qualification of High-Strength Linepipes for Hydrogen Transportation based on ASME B31.12 Code
Qualification of High-Strength Linepipes for Hydrogen Transportation based on ASME B31.12 Code
A number of CPW manufactured HFW and SAWL pipes were tested for fracture toughness properties in high pressure 100% hydrogen environment. All tests were performed in RINA laboratory, following a developed test procedure based on code ASME B31.12 Option B (qualification of the material threshold stress intensity factor KIH). Testing involved API 5L…
Editorial 6-2020
Editorial 6-2020
Dear readers, The year 2020 has been unprecedent due to the Covid-19-Pandemic, which has sadly resulted in the millions of deaths and infections. It has also transformed our society both positively and negatively. The restrictions imposed on us restricted our movement but have produced innovations that enabled us to adopt new practices for life…
Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Pipeline Integrity and Security
Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Pipeline Integrity and Security
Even the smallest leak can have devastating consequences. The protection and monitoring of pipeline infrastructure is critical to the continued performance of the pipeline. Loss of integrity, through accidents or malicious activity, can have a significant impact on the environment, on reputations and on finances. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing is…
BIL enquiry portal contributes German pipeline safety
BIL enquiry portal contributes German pipeline safety
A highly developed society naturally believes that it has elimi nated its risks. Insurances, traffic information, social systems, legislation, and finally all kinds of regulations weigh us down in a cor set of security of our own actions, which can hardly lead to negative consequences. Infrastructure and pipeline security is a valuable asset, on…
Real-Time Networks: Gas Data, Demand and Network Modelling
Real-Time Networks: Gas Data, Demand and Network Modelling
The gas industry in Great Britain has experienced fundamental change over the last 20 years and is continuing to change rapidly. There has been a reduction in indigenous supply, with an acceleration in the connection of new unconventional sources through biomethane supplies and the potential for hydrogen blending in the future. These changes are…
Versatile technology for Leak Detection, Third Party Interference and Integrity Assessment applications: Vibroacoustics
Versatile technology for Leak Detection, Third Party Interference and Integrity Assessment applications: Vibroacoustics
Leak detection, TPI (Third Party Interference) and asset integrity are crucial topics in pipeline monitoring, although they often require costly procedures and systems. In order to support the pipeline integrity management, Eni S.p.A, in collaboration with Solares JV, developed the e-vpms® (Eni Vibro-acoustic Pipeline Monitoring System). This…
Editorial 5-2020
Editorial 5-2020
Dear readers, You’ll certainly be familiar with this: you’re talking to friends, chatting about everything from your private life to your work life, and everyone is talking about their experiences of their workplace from their own perspective: What characterises it, what has changed and what has not? I usually try to answer the question with an…
Advanced Corrosion Growth Modeling In Pipelines For Repair Optimization
Advanced Corrosion Growth Modeling In Pipelines For Repair Optimization
Saudi Aramco operates a massive network to enable its position as world leading hydrocarbon producer, approximately 371 downstream cross-country pipelines with 446-sections, totaling 23,878 kilometers as at January 2020. Typical pipelines range in diameter from 4-inches to 56-inches, the average length of the pipelines ranges from less than one…
Detecting Illegal Tappings – A Research Case Study
Detecting Illegal Tappings – A Research Case Study
Illegal hot tapping and product theft is a problem for pipeline operators all over the world. As criminals use a wide range of different instal lations and are in many cases able to adopt t heir ways of siphoning and stealing to the pipeline conditions a research project had been started by GLD, together with another service company and two…
Leak & Theft Detection Strategies: Integrating Established And Innovative Technologies
Leak & Theft Detection Strategies: Integrating Established And Innovative Technologies
Pipeline leak and theft detection can be done through various technologies. There is no si ngle best method as each pipeline is different and ideally, it is best to integrate several different methods within any detection system. Two of the most popular and established methods are flow balance and negative pressure wave, however, both have their…
Novel Classification Of Leak Detection And Third-Party Intrusion Enabling Best-In-Class False Alarm Rate
Novel Classification Of Leak Detection And Third-Party Intrusion Enabling Best-In-Class False Alarm Rate
We demonstrate PrismaFlowTM’s best in class events det ection and classification capabilities accompanied by negligible False Alarm Rate (FAR). A 35 km long pre-depl oyed optical cable inside a conduit was used as the sensor. Originally deployed for communication purposes, the optical cable, running along the infrastructure, was placed along…
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Susceptibility Screening Enhancement
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Susceptibility Screening Enhancement
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is a wel l- known threat to the integrity of oil and gas pipelines. SCC is a damage mechanism that typically results in axial cracks on pipelines due to simultaneous action of tensile stress, potent environment (soil, coating, electrolyte etc.), and the pipeline material (poor microstructure). Small cracks are in…
Translating Data Analytics Into Operational Instructions, An Innovative Smartphone App To Support Pipe Fit-Up Efficiency
Translating Data Analytics Into Operational Instructions, An Innovative Smartphone App To Support Pipe Fit-Up Efficiency
Digital tools are everywhere in today’s worl d. The Oil & Gas sector is known to be slow to adapt, however has already been embracing the digital change since several years. A wide range of initiatives and solutions have been developed, from big data and related analytics to augmented reality and internet of things. Digital tools aim to cover…
ptj-4-2020 Editorial
ptj-4-2020 Editorial
Dear colleagues, You are holding in your hand the fourth and last issue of the Pipeline Technology Journal filled with papers of the 15th Pipeline Technology Conference. We were able to publish more than 40 papers of ptc 2020 in these special issues. EITEP as the publisher of ptj and organizer of ptc would like to take this opportunity to thank…
A new parametric study based on the Proper General ized Decomposition for the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of buried pipelines
A new parametric study based on the Proper General ized Decomposition for the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of buried pipelines
Pipelines related to industrial supplies such as oil or gas are a key p art of modern development, so it is important to ensure their appropriate response to a seismic action. The same applies to drainage or water supply in contemporary cities. Structural analysis of pipelines is a well-estab lished topic in engineering practice. In this paper, we…
Adapting oil & gas infrastructures to climate change
Adapting oil & gas infrastructures to climate change
It is well known that natural disasters which are related to climate change (e.g. rising sea levels, heat stress, extreme precipitation, inland and coastal flooding, landslides, water scarcity etc.) are rapidly increasing through last decades. Climate impacts not only show regional and seasonal patterns, but also differ between territorial…
Europe´s Gas Supply Network: Key projects for trenchless methods and Pipe Express®
Europe´s Gas Supply Network: Key projects for trenchless methods and Pipe Express®
For the gas supply in Europe, a reliable pipeline network has the highest priority. Besides the construction of the main supply pipelines such as TurkStream and TAP, the fast and safe installation of the regional country-specific distribution networks like Eugal and Zeelink play a key role. Different points of view of all involved parties have to…
Friction Stir Welding of Steel for Pipeline Fabrication
Friction Stir Welding of Steel for Pipeline Fabrication
Friction stir welding procedure development was initiated on steel grades S460 G2+M and S690QL1 in plate wall thicknesses of 10 and 15mm. To tackle the challenges of the high mechanical loads on the tool as well as its premature wear, a combination of preheating and optimized weld backing set-up was implemented. The inductive preheating allowed a…
Geo Augmented Visualisation for improving safe operations of Natural Gas Pipeline Network
Geo Augmented Visualisation for improving safe operations of Natural Gas Pipeline Network
A pipeline network is the most efficient and economical means of transporting hydrocarbons. Pipeline Operator’s objective is to operate and maintain pipeline network in such a way that it would continuously provide uninterrupted services to customers. Locating underground pipes and other infrastructure prior to excavation or repair has long been a…
Key cyber-security controls for reliable pipeline operation
Key cyber-security controls for reliable pipeline operation
Our corporate public IT domains (like are constantly under cyber-attacks since they are connected to the public internet network. In a 2015 survey of 314 organizations operating Industrial Control Systems (ICS) around the world, 34 percent of respondents indicated that their systems were breached more than twice in the last 12 months…
Large Stand-Off Magnetometry (LSM) for Buried Pipeline Inspection - Experimental study: Influence of dent depth on residual magnetic signal
Large Stand-Off Magnetometry (LSM) for Buried Pipeline Inspection - Experimental study: Influence of dent depth on residual magnetic signal
Dents are among the anomalies which may be a threat to safe operation of pipelines. Dents are characterized by plastic deformation, which causes changes in the magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic pipe wall. Skipper NDT, a company at the forefront of LSM technology, conducted trials to characterize changes in magnetic properties around dents.…